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How to Make the Most of Your Ankle Fusion Recovery Time

Updated: Oct 9, 2020

You’ve been forced to rest for extended periods of time due to your ankle fusion – and you’re already bored out of your mind.  While an extended vacation at home might seem like a dream situation, the truth is that you don’t know what you’re going to do with yourself all this time.  You’ve already caught up on all your favorite TV shows.  You’ve already read so many books to the point where you feel like a book critic.  You’ve even tried getting into cooking, although limping around the kitchen certainly wasn’t the most successful experiment ever.

In short, you’re looking for new ways to make the most of your ankle fusion recovery time – and you’re getting desperate.

Don’t worry – try out these ideas to make the most of your ankle fusion recovery.  You’ll be healed before you even know it!

  1. Love writing?  Start your own blog.  It can be about your ankle fusion recovery experience or you can just write about a favorite niche of yours.  Who knows – you may get enough followers to start doing the blog as a permanent hobby.

  2. Learn a new skill by taking an online course.  If you’re forced to lay on your couch for weeks at a time or can’t go to the gym every evening, why not spend this extra free time by learning a new skill or knowledge?  Whether you consider yourself a history buff or just want to know how to build a website, there are a ton of online courses you can take that can help you make the most of your ankle fusion recovery time. You can find a bevy of online courses at MIT OpenCourseWare (, Udacity ( and Coursera (

  3. Go out and about with the aid of a knee walker.  Believe it or not, you don’t have to resort to crutches to move around the house.  A knee walker is a unique mobility device that makes it easier than ever to move without putting your healing ankle at risk.  Your insurance company may even cover the cost of your knee walker, thanks to your ankle fusion surgery.

Make the most of your ankle fusion recovery time by putting these tips into practice!

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