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How to Calculate the Cost of Your Rolling Knee Walker Rental


Updated: Jan 4, 2022

It doesn’t take an accounting degree to realize that recovering from your foot or ankle surgery is really, REALLY expensive. Like, the kind of expensive that makes you almost dread checking your bank account. There are co-payments. Money spent on medications. Money spent on modifications made to your house. Compare Knee Walker Rentals

So when it comes to your rolling knee walker rental, it’s no wonder that you want to calculate the total cost before signing the contract!

While the cost of your rolling knee walker rental will vary based on the model you pick, there are some constants that will influence the total cost of your rental. With that in mind, let’s take a look at how you can calculate the cost of your rolling knee walker rental.

The length of time you’re expecting to rent will play a big role in the total cost of your rolling knee walker rental. If you’re only renting for a month, you can expect to see your total price broken down by the week. However, if you’re renting for a few months, you should expect to see the rental price presented to you per month.

Once you understand the base cost of your rolling knee walker rental, you should contact your insurance company to see if they’ll cover all or part of the rental costs. Ask your insurance agent about the HCPC E0118 code, which dictates how the company will cover “wheeled crutch alternatives.” The best outcome is if the insurance company will cover all of your rental costs; if they don’t, you should analyze your budget to see how much you can afford out-of-pocket.

Don’t forget to calculate any shipping costs, as they’re not often included with the total cost of your knee walker rental. Also, be sure to check if the rental agency charges a deposit, which could increase the upfront price of your knee walker rental.

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Wilcox Curtis
Wilcox Curtis

This is super helpful, thank you for breaking it down! I didn’t know about the HCPC E0118 code—I'll definitely check with my insurance about it. It’s good to know the cost varies depending on the rental period too. Do you have any recommendations for places to rent from, or any tips for making sure I get a quality knee walker? hill climb racing



Calculating the cost of renting a knee walker is essential to owning and managing like geometry dash scratch is a great reminder and understanding your budget and potential costs can help you navigate the recovery process more effectively.

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