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Where Can I Buy a Knee Walker?

Updated: Aug 25, 2020

Let’s face it: you’re not exactly thrilled by the prospect of spending the next eight to twelve weeks wobbling around on crutches.  You’ve already suffered through the pain of an ankle injury or foot surgery – why do you have to be punished with those medieval torture devices?

Never fear, knee walkers are here.  If you’ve never heard of knee walkers before (also known as roll about scooters and seated scooters), get ready to meet your new best friend during your recovery period.  Roll about scooters are unique mobility devices that allow you to isolate your broken foot or ankle, while providing you with a more stable (and pretty cool) way to get around.  Knee walkers look a bit like those scooters that kids are always rolling around on; however, a cushioned seat allows you to kneel onto the pad, using your good foot to push yourself forward.

Knee scooters are an undeniable source of comfort and convenience, especially if you’re afraid of falling or slipping on crutches.  But when it comes to buying a knee walker, you might feel like you’re searching for the mythical unicorn.  Don’t worry: with Knee Walker Central, you’ll be able to buy your own roll about scooter faster than you can queue up a must-watch list on Netflix.

This frees up your time so you can focus on what really matters – planning out what you’ll do with your freedom once your foot heals!

  1. Choose your preferred knee walker model from  If you’re not sure what type of knee walker you need – or want – take a look at the reviews to see what others are saying.  You may need a lighter model if you have a two-story home, or you may want the security of a heavier, more solid roll about scooter.

  2. Check your insurance policy to see if your purchase can be partially (or even totally) covered by your health insurance.  To help narrow down your search, look for your policy’s code on crutch substitutes, which is HCPCS E0118.  This shows you how much you’ll be expected to pay out of pocket for your knee walker.

  3. See if it’s better to rent or buy from  Either way, you’ll get a great deal – but it may be worthwhile to buy your knee walker if you’re going to need it for a considerable length of time.  For example, renting makes sense if you’ll only need it for three months, but you’ll want to buy your roll about scooter if you’ll need it for six months or more.

  4. Check out, and select which shipping option you prefer. can ship to your home, office, and even the hospital.

  5. Heal!

Knee Walker Central is all about making your life easier by offering high-quality knee walker rentals and models at affordable rates.  Visit today and get ready to give your nasty crutches the boot!

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