When it comes to preparing for foot and ankle surgery, you tend to focus on the basics. You know you need to get your mobility device ahead of time. You know you should move aside heavy furniture before you’re limited in terms of movement. And you certainly know that you should have your friends and family members on stand-by to help you with everyday needs…
But when it comes to meal preparation, do you have a refrigerator stocked with healthy pre-made meals and beverages – or are you (pun intended) shooting yourself in the foot?
Man cannot live on delivery food alone – and unless you’re a college student, the thought of constantly eating pizza might get really old after the first few days. Besides, ankle and foot surgery recovery requires that you should eat as healthy as possible. So if your plan relies on the constant appearance of your deliveryman, you might want to re-think your options.
Why Pre-Made Meals Are Vital to Foot and Ankle Surgery Recovery
Pre-made meals are just as important to your surgery recovery as having a mobility device on hand. Making your meals ahead of time ensures that you control the ingredients, which means you can eat much healthier than what’s available at your local Papa John’s. When your body is in recovery, you need to fill up your plate with leafy greens, lean meats, and plenty of whole grains – and that’s just not something that’s available to you via delivery.
There’s another reason why prepared meals are so vital to ankle and foot surgery recovery. When you’re lugging around a foot cast, the last thing you want to do is move around the kitchen gathering pots, pans and ingredients. Plus, using crutches or any other mobility device might prevent you from full use of your arms and hands – which is obviously crucial to the cooking process!
Healthy Meals to Make Before Your Foot and Ankle Surgery
Whether you consider yourself a future Food Network star or you have trouble boiling an egg, here are a few healthy meals that anyone can make before your foot and ankle surgery:
Spinach, Tomato and Goat Cheese Pasta
Grab some whole-wheat linguini and toss it in a pot of boiling salted water. In the meantime, cut up a clove of garlic and sauté it in a pan with a splash of olive oil. Once the garlic has browned, add a cup of quartered cherry tomatoes. While that softens (it usually takes a couple of minutes), drain the pasta and add a cup of crumbled soft goat cheese. Add two cups of spinach to the cook garlic and tomatoes until it’s wilted. Add to the pasta, stir, and enjoy!
Simple Baked Chicken
Grab a pound of chicken breasts and cut each in half. Layer a baking pan with aluminum foil and coat with a light cooking spray. Lay out the chicken on the pan. Drizzle olive oil on each breast. Add salt, pepper, garlic powder, or any other kind of spice your heart desires. Place in a preheated oven (400 degrees) and bake until cooked through (this usually takes about 20 to 25 minutes). This baked chicken can be used in any meal, on salads, and even in sandwiches.
Roasted Green Beans
Cut off the tips of your green beans and place them in a plastic Tupperware container. Lightly drizzle the green beans with olive oil and add a heaping spoonful of old-fashioned mustard. Cover the Tupperware container and vigorously shake until all of the green beans are coated. Place the green beans on a baking tray that’s been lined with aluminum foil and coated with cooking spray. Place in a preheated oven at 350 degrees and bake for 8-10 minutes.
The secret to healthy meals isn't hard. Just make it happen Head Soccer.